// Datin Airynn

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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Datin Airynn

high school rock part 2

yeay. jumpa lagi. ni kisah smbungan daripada entri high school rock part 1. hm. entri kali ni nak story perjalanan hidup aku sepanjang menjadi pelajar sekolah menengah. masa form1 - form3 aku bersekolah kt MMP. fkir la sndri MMP stand for what. haha. 

aku enjoy life aku dengan my fabulous friends. they are amalin hayati, amni, afiqah and syahida. yang ni kira yang paling rapat la. whatever happen we are still S.D.H members. S.D.H stand for Super Duper Hot ! haa. kiteorang memang hot. apa kiteorang buad di MMP tu mesti jadik hot. yeah. that's why we call ourself S.D.H. nak kata aku perasan or bajet hot? alah. korang pegi je tanya je budak budak MMP batch PMR 2009. they will know us laa. hahaha ( it's evil laugh ) i am not afraid to shout it out loud. we are the great troublemaker.

tapi tu masa duk MMP la. yang jahat sikit pon kata kiteorang jahat banyak. well well. now semua dah berpecah. aku - SMKDAM, amalin - SMKK, amni - SMKATAA, afiqah - SMKAN, syahida - SMKZ1. masing masing da bawak hala tuju. but we were still S.D.H members ! ILoveThem ! kalau nak citer pasal kiteorang memang lah terlalu banyak. so aku bagi korang tengok pic kiteorang. then you will know how strong our friendship. 

and when the teen queens gone wild.......

time aku tengah wat taip entri ni, aku duk rindu kat dorang semua. hmm. nanti kiteorang nak pegi date lepas semua dah abis SPM. can't wait. 

korang, aku rindu korang ketat ketat. :')

p.s. appreciate your friends as long they are with you. spread the love :)

with love, Rynn LV